Killing My WiFi (With This Song)
Spec-ing the Layers with WiSpy (one time, one time) Channel gone red with this stream (two times, two times) Killing my channel with this song Killing my WiFi With this song Taking my WiFi With this stream Killing my WiFi With Bluetooth spe-ee-ee-eeakers... Wireless streaming (music, video or, in the case of the wonderful song referenced above, a music video ) can sure kill a WiFi connection. It's good to have a spectrum analyzer to identify the problem. It's even better to remember to use it. Wireless streaming devices are popular nowadays, but most of them are benign. An AppleTV, for instance, can wirelessly stream audio and video or it can act as a mirroring device for whatever audio or video is on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. (And mirroring is tougher on WiFi than basic streaming. When I mirror my iPhone 5, I'm creating three streams. One from my wireless router to my phone for the Internet stream, a second from my phone back ...