...And If You Buy That Survey, I've Got Another Survey To Sell You

I recently got into a little tiff on Twitter. In part it was an argument about blogging and reaching a broad audience, but mostly it was about site surveys. Site surveys are hot right now, but I find that surveyors often overlook an important aspect of WiFi: different devices act differently. Conventional wisdom for WiFi site surveys is to get some site survey software , upload a floorplan and start a-surveyin'. First predictive (letting the software estimate where coverage will go), then active (temporarily mounting access points in the locations chosen in the predictive survey and testing connectivity) and finally verification (walking the site after APs have been installed). The problem with all three types of surveys (predictive, active and verification) is that they are done with site survey software. Site survey software is great for selling APs or pacifying execs, but it usually requires using a specific adapter. So every time you verify conn...