OFDMA Is the Only Part of Wi-Fi 6 That Matters (For Most Enterprises)
The new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard offers several new technologies, but only one that really matters (for most enterprises): OFDMA. Have you heard about Wi-Fi 6? (Or, at least, 802.11ax?) If you work in or around networking or Wi-Fi, you probably have. Your humble author has read about it in blogs, tweeted about it, streamed about it on Twitch and watched commercials about it on college football telecasts. It was the last thing -- the TV commercials -- that gave yours truly a double-take. "Is Wi-Fi 6 that big?", I murmured to myself while taking in CDW's commercial for Cisco's Wi-Fi 6 gear. Commercials on national sports broadcasts aren't cheap, so someone must be asking about it. (Or at least think there's money in it.) The standard (technically an "amendment", not a full-blown IEEE standard) Wi-Fi 6 is based upon is 802.11ax, and according to the latest 802.11 Working Group timeline , 802.11ax won't be finished for several month...