Not Wi-Fi, But... How To Tell If Your Email Has Been Hacked (It Probably Hasn't)

A friend of mine recently posted a message on Twitter telling people that his email had been hacked. I told him that his email had most likely NOT been hacked, and it took all of thirty seconds to figure that out. A lot of people believe that their email has been hacked when they receive messages like this: From: A Friend To: Me Subject: Has your email been hacked? Body: [Forwarded message from "You" that you didn't actually send.] When someone receives an email from "You" that you didn't send, it could mean that your email is hacked, but it probably doesn't. Here's how to check: Ask your friend to click or tap on Your Name (the "From" in the email). If your real email address shows up, then the email was sent from your real email account. That means your email has been hacked. If an email address that is NOT yours shows up when your friend clicks/taps on Your Name (in the "From" field of the email), then...