Now It's AirMagnet's Turn to Show Us QoS

In my last (real) post, I detailed how I used WildPackets OmniPeek to solve an iPhone 5 QoS problem. But what about AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer? I am a fan of both of those fine WiFi sniffers, so I figure it's a good idea to show you how QoS can be analyzed with Fluke Networks' signature WiFi protocol analyzer. WildPackets OmniPeek is more of a hardcore protocol analyzer than AirMagnet WiFi Analyzer is. If you're going to be doing the type of sniffing I detailed in the last blog post , you will have an easier go of it with WildPackets' product. But AirMagnet is popular and both tools are expensive. So if you happen to be a gal (or guy) who needs to troubleshoot WiFi voice or video and you have AirMagnet, this brief tutorial should help. To begin analyzing QoS, one must first capture on the VoFi devices channel. In my case I associated my iPhone 5 to a network with the SSID of "R&T". Then I looked at the Start screen in AirMagnet: The "...