Eighteen Seconds of (a Very Chatty) iPhone

The iPhone 5 is a chatty device. How chatty? I checked, and it is chattier than I thought. Yours truly has done more WiFi sniffing of iPhones than yours truly cares to recount. What has always stood out about these captures is the amount of chatter than an iPhone seems to engage in. I did a little test of my unlocked iPhone 5 to see exactly how chatty it was. The test involved me turning on the phone's screen, spending a second looking at iMessage (which happened to be the last app I was on when the screen was turned off), pressing the Home button, opening the Twitter app (because, after all, if you're not on Twitter these days then you're not wasting your time properly) and refreshing my Twitter feed. The test took about fifteen seconds. My capture saw WiFi frames going to or from my phone for about 17.64 seconds (rounded up to 18 for the purposes of a catchier blog post title). Here is what it looked like: The good news is that my phone...